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IT ARRIVED! - Blog 7

As this is "my first rodeo" as they say, I had no idea until a few days ago that I'd be opening my first box of MY FIRST BOOK (drum roll, please!) six weeks before its publication date! That's because author copies are shipped directly from the printer, rather than having to go through the distributor to be sent to bookstores, libraries and schools (in this case throughout the U.S. and abroad) and whoever else orders them.

So here I am, holding it! It's an early birthday gift. And I was delighted to have more than an audience of one for the box opening. It so happened my son, Todd is visiting (spring break) along with my grandson Julian and his girlfriend. Todd also had the Charlestones, his male cappella quartet practicing at my house last night, so when I returned from my own rehearsal with the Charleston Symphony chorus, there were 8 of us altogether to toast its arrival with champagne. The two relatives, both in my dedication, were gifted the first copy in person. Next on my list is mailing copies to my terrific First Readers who really earned them with their extensive feedback.

This is a good time for me to announce that YOU TOO can own an autographed and dedicated advance copy by getting it directly from the author. I'll mail it out the same day I receive payment. Just get in touch with me (207-350-1020) or for details.

THANKS again for your support and interest. My son, an educator and English major with a preference for reading Pulitzer Prize winning books, was nearly halfway through it by lunchtime today, and had some really lovely comments about what he liked. I'd love to know what stands out for YOU.

I am officially a Happy Camper.

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